Welcome to The Tribe of Marketplace Ministers

Building a new generation of marketplace ministers, equipping them for kingdom service and world impact.

Is a network of Entrepreneurs doing business with deeply rooted Christian Values. We are on a mission to help believers doing business in various cities, shine forth as light within the darkness of corruption that plagues society and as the salt of the earth

Spirit-Filled believers have been called into a lifestyle of striving to uphold the core values of the Christian faith on a daily basis. Entrepreneurs who are believers need a wellspring of encouragement and support, while navigating the intricacies and complexities in a corrupt system in the society. E.F.C is our attempt at establishing that support system beyond the four corners of what our traditional churches offer. Our network serves as a source of hope aimed at encouraging our entrepreneurial community in keeping the tenets of our faith in the daily course of living as busy, business people. We believe with all of our hearts, that daily alignment with the Spirit of God, can be attained through a conscious effort to keep ourselves pure & holy so that God can flow through our vessels. Holy Living can thus, (by the supply of grace through faith) be practiced daily, if and when the right people are around you.

Hence, our community of gifted entrepreneurs are committed to uplifting one another by striving to become ‘living examples’ on how men can live a dedicated life in integrity and transparency, despite the vicissitudes in the terrain of business life in mega cities like Lagos.

It is also this commitment that informs our perspective on the dire need of mentorship for younger believers who are burning with a passion for Jesus but struggling, while navigating their early years in business due to several socio-economic and political factors their businesses fall victim to. Entrepreneurs For Christ was created to strengthen the resolve of these younger believers, affirming their belief to look only unto Jesus, the ‘author and finisher of our faith’ while shunning peer pressure or family criticism to buy-pass the process through which God forges men through time. If you have been left out to dry out in the wilderness because of your convictions in Jesus, then Entrepreneurs For Christ was created just for you! Enroll in our mentorship platform and start meeting like-minded individuals to ground you in the faith

Our Commitment to Marketplace Ministers

The tribe of Marketplace Ministers caters both to established and emerging Entrepreneurs.
Summarily, our Kingdom Mandate is comprised of these 3 objectives:

Finally, a Tribe of Marketplace minister is one who has come to the maturity that he or she is a pipeline through whom God blesses others and thus has become a financial steward for God’s Kingdom agenda. By doing so, we renew our pledge of separation and consecration as vessels unto honor while financing God’s eternal purposes on the earth.